When messaging to request a commission, (this is not required, but) please include as many details as possible. Some things that can be included are:

  • Define what kind of themes and styles you are interested in including (characters, animals, naturistic, cyber)

  • Including inspiration pictures is recommended to help me create your vision

  • The kind of colours you're interested in the pack taking on (primary and secondary colours, accent colour

  • If you want a relatively light or dark pack

view portfolio

Pixel art packs (not HD)Edit preexisting packs
Stylized, anime artCreate assets to replace the icons in the following tabs: Combat Options, Prayer, Magic Spells, and Emotes


The assets made in a layout pack include the minimap assets, the immediate assets around the minimap (the compass, the orbs, etc.), inventory background, inventory pillars, inventory tabs, chatbox assetsThe following prices are for individual layouts. Ordering a pack with multiple layouts will not cost the full price for an individual layout.Commissioning a Fixed Classic Layout pack with either of the other layouts will cost an extra $5 instead of a flat addition of the other layouts.

Layout typePrice (USD)
Fixed Classic Layout$120
Resizeable Classic Layout$90
Resizable Modern Layout$60

other assets

Asset Pack                                   PriceDescription
Non-nested Tab Assets$30All basic inventory icons that aren't nested
Socials + Quests Icons$10Includes the following tabs: Social Tabs (ex. “chat-channel”, “Your Clan”, etc.), Friends/Ignores, Character Summary/Quest/Achievement Diaries
Options Icons & Assets$10Includes the following tabs: Account Management, Settings
Equipment Tab Assets$5Nested icons and assets within the Equipment tab
Dialog and Interface Containers$50Assets for buttons, containers, repeated backgrounds and borders
Bank Interface$20Includes the Bank interfaces, GE assets

Full Pack

The total cost of the most expensive layout (Fixed Classic Layout) with the other layouts included would be a total of $250.


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By commissioning me, you agree to the following terms.

  • Please credit me when sharing my work.

  • The commissioned piece is for personal use only. The commissioner may not make money off it in any way or claim it as their own work.

  • I reserve the rights to the commissioned artwork and its use/distribution; to promote myself using it, display it on platforms unless otherwise agreed upon.

  • The commissioner may not copy or trace the commissioned piece. Minor edits are fine.

  • I as the artist reserve the right to deny any commissions if I feel uncomfortable with it or feel that I would not be able to finish it to the customer's satisfaction.

  • During the process of creating the pack I will be in constant communication with the commissioner to ensure that their vision is carried out. The commissioner may request WIPs at any part of the drawing.

  • I will not ask for payment up until I ask the commissioner to test the pack.

  • To gain access to the resource pack when it becomes accessible in a testing state, the commissioner must pay 50% of the estimated price.

  • To gain access to the finished resource pack, the commissioner must pay 100% of the estimated price.

  • Expected payment must be in USD

  • Upon completion of the pack, I agree to work on small revisions to the pack made within 15 days. Requests made after 15 days can be made but I cannot guarantee them.
